Cook County Treasurer's Office - 7/22/2002
Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas announced results of a study to determine the common reasons taxpayers mistakenly overpay their taxes. Each year, taxes that are overpaid in error result in the issuance of approximately 35,000 refund checks. "We have concluded that the vast number of overpayments occur because both the homeowner and his or her mortgage company both pay the taxes," Pappas said.
Survey results indicate that 63% of all duplicate payments are the result of both the property owner and the property owner's mortgage company paying the property taxes. An additional 29% of duplicate payments are the result of two or more mortgage companies, banks or title companies paying the same taxes. This is often the case when a property owner refinances a mortgage, a mortgage is sold from one lender to another, or the property is sold and multiple parties pay the taxes at the real estate closing and again when the taxes are due. Approximately 5% of duplicate payments are the result of a property owner paying his or her taxes twice. The most common reason identified is when one spouse makes a payment, not knowing that the other spouse has already paid the bill.
Under Illinois Law, tax bills must be mailed to the property owner, even when a mortgage company has established a tax escrow account to pay the taxes. "Many new homeowners receive a tax bill and pay it, not remembering that they have been paying extra money with their mortgage payment each month as part of a tax escrow plan. Before you pay your tax bill, make certain your mortgage company or your spouse has not already done so," Pappas said.
To determine if you have overpaid your taxes, search our online records.