Property owners with delinquent taxes will have until January 2 to submit late payments and avoid further penalty and inclusion in the tax-sale listings in area newspapers, Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas said Sunday.
Nearly two months after the November 1, 2002 due date, there were 106,793 Cook County parcels of land with a total of $225 million in tax delinquencies. Although the next round of late penalties would normally take effect Thursday, the New Year's Day holiday will allow taxpayers to submit payments on Thursday by mail or at any LaSalle Bank to avoid further penalties.
After the initial tax billing in September, reminder notices were mailed in November and December to those with unpaid balances. The balance on any Property Index Number (or PIN) also is accessible at the "payment status" section at
"Legal notices in newspapers and certified-mail notices to taxpayers are mandated by state law and are costly - but more importantly, they are the last steps before the March 10 start of the tax sale," Pappas said. "Taxpayers who have delayed paying should submit payments now to avoid more costs, to avoid the tax sale, and, long-term, to protect their properties."
Some taxpayers have delinquencies due to mortgage company errors, Pappas noted. If a taxpayer pays taxes through escrow and the lender failed to pay or paid on the wrong PIN, the taxpayer must call the lender to instruct the company to resolve the situation. "Taxpayers need to check, because this can happen during or shortly after a loan is refinanced," Pappas noted. "For that reason, our web site also offers information that is designed to help borrowers work with their company to resolve such issues."
Through January 14, delinquent taxes may be paid at any area LaSalle Bank. Between January 15 and March 7, delinquent taxes must be submitted by certified check, cashier's check or money order by mail or in person at the Treasurer's Office. If taxes are sold and need to be redeemed, penalties, fees and costs increase substantially - by hundreds and even thousands of dollars.